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Why is Integrated IoT Application the way to go ?

by Hema

iot application

Integrated IoT Application

Business today has a lot to be managed better. Everything in an organization is related. The power and other utilities consumption, employee availability and productivity, manufacturing process management and its utilization, predictive maintenance of the machines, Inward / Outward of materials, etc are today managed as Silos. It does not make sense to digitize everything and still use them as siloed applications. It is crucial to bring everything into one application. The benefits of using it as one application from the management perspective are:

  • Have a better access control to various modules.
  • Deploy everything on one server and manage it better.
  • Employees need to remember a single identity.

Co related Data Analysis

The world is filled with data and the data needs to be analyzed at width and depth. Data Analysis cannot be done when businesses uses multiple applications and the data is stored in Silos, in spite of all the digital transformation. Closer correlation of data is crucial to create compelling decisions.

For example, when the machine / department productivity and the energy consumed per machine is mandatory to be managed in a single application which can help use do some detailed analysis like power consumed per part produced and the reverse against the variance of days and the batches. This deeper analysis becomes more cumbersome when the data is stored in silos.

Cloud Servers are more reliable

We have been running our cloud servers on AWS, Google, and Digital Ocean for the past 5 years and we have not even seen any downtime or server crashes. Cloud hosting has come a long way that it has become more reliable, secure, flexible and much more affordable. Running an integrated application based on the business requirement is going to be much easier going forward. After setting up, we may just need to maintain the applications. The applications again can be maintained easily with tools like docker, mmonit, Kubernetes and more.

Affordable Implementation

Industry 4.0 is synonymous with a lot of data being generated, processed, and used in critical decisions. When you go for an on-demand service, most service providers charge by the data used over time. However, when you have private hosting, the data is unlimited. This will increase your data traffic and the number of events you record without any increase in the data cost. You may need to slightly increase the server configuration which will be very marginal against the data cost.

Create Customized Solutions

When you go by your own instances, you will have the complete flexibility to create your own reports and analysis. Out of our implementation of the IoT, we see that the requirement changes largely from one plant to another within the organization. So with a lot of custom build processes and data, we need more specific solutions to deliver the best RoI for your business.

The MQTT broker, the top MQTT Broker has all the powerful extendability options to create & develop complex IoT Applications. extendable python MQTT interfaces/hooks provide user interface customization, data aggregation & analysis, event data comparison with the processed data, Remote authentication & more. The python interfaces include Custom UI server, Custom data store, Custom storage, Custom scheduler & Custom Auth. You can play with the python hooks with our MQTT Broker to build faster application. Try our MQTT Broker for FREE and experience seamless connectivity.

Contact us for a FREE Consulting today on what is the best way to implement your IoT Solution.