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On MQTT & Industry 4.0

remote monitoring

Step-by-Step Guide to Implement IoT Security: Best Practices for a Secure IoT Ecosystem

by Hema

The Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem connects billions of devices across the globe, from home automation systems to industrial machinery. Whether you're working with a small-scale IoT network

remote monitoring

Remote Monitoring for Customer Service & Support with IIoT

by Ponlakshmi

In the manufacturing world, real-time data is crucial, and industrial IoT (IIoT) is key to gathering this data from various equipment and machines. With the aid of sensors and embedded devices, IIoT facilitates the continuous monitoring of machinery

Multiple authentication

Enhanced MQTT Authentication - Safeguard Your IoT Data With CrystalMQ

by Ponlakshmi

Safety and security are our top priorities above all else. As everyday devices evolve into smart technology through their interconnectedness in the IoT network, safeguarding our data becomes crucial.

Broker comparison

Cloud MQTT Broker Comparison - CrystalMQ vs HiveMQ vs EMQX

by Ponlakshmi

In the rapidly evolving world of IoT, selecting the right MQTT broker is crucial for ensuring seamless and efficient communication between devices. Cloud-hosted MQTT brokers offer robust solutions with varying features to cater to different needs.

IIoT benefits

Industrial Automation & IIoT - 5 Key Benefits

by Saravana Kumar

Rising technologies and expediting innovations are invariably changing the makeover of the Industrial world in one form or another. Development of IoT is considered one such major event that has become inevitable for the majority of Industries.The future of automation and manufacturing is in the hands of IoT.

New in MQTT 5

All new CrystalMQ with next-gen performance and security redefined

by Ponlakshmi

In today’s dynamic IoT landscape, where countless connected devices interact across global networks, the seamless transmission of data is no longer a luxury but a necessity. As businesses expand their IoT deployments, the need for reliable, secure, and high-speed data handling has never been more critical.

New in MQTT 5

Developing a premier SaaS-based IoT Platform for smooth device management

by Ponlakshmi

Faz3 IoT has now emerged as a premier IoT service platform in Turkey, leading the way with their innovative IoT broker service platform. Their platform empowers IoT enthusiasts to seamlessly aggregate, visualize, and analyze live data streams from sensors.

New in MQTT 5

What's new in MQTT 5 and Why you should adopt it today?

by Ponlakshmi

Today, the MQTT protocol is the most widely used and well-received TCP/IP IoT protocol in the world. It's no surprise that the protocol's widespread adoption has resulted in a high demand for further development of the MQTT specification. MQTT 5 attempts to meet this...

smart manufacturing

5 Problems Smart Manufacturing can solve for your Industry

by Saravana Kumar

Manufacturing is the round the clock dynamic industry, where manufacturers confront new troubles and concerns day after day. Manufacturers will be heavily haunted by these production problems that pop up out of the blue, habitually at the worst possible time and...

downtime impact

Impact of Downtime in Manufacturing

by Saravana Kumar

In any business and production process, the saying “Time is Money” holds true. Every second that a machine is running earns money in the manufacturing industry. The longer it takes to develop raw materials into finished goods, the more money it costs to get them out....

industry 4.0 race

Industry 4.0 – Are you ready to lead the race?

by Saravana Kumar

Industries are currently in a sprint towards Industry 4.0, which represents the future of productivity vital for the growth of manufacturing sectors. The cornerstone of this revolution lies in the advancement of manufacturing technology, enabling real-time communication and

Node red integration

Introducing Cloud MES - A gateway to manufacturing excellence

by Saravana Kumar

In the dynamic landscape of modern manufacturing, effective coordination and real-time management are crucial elements for success. Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) play a pivotal role in optimizing production processes, facilitating seamless communication, and ensuring efficient resource

Node red integration

Node Red MQTT Broker Integration

by Ponlakshmi

Creating and implementing a real-time IoT network with hardware and MQTT application will take time and cost you an arm and leg. We at Bevywise, create a smart and easy way to set up a virtual IoT network with node red MQTT Broker integration. Node-red is an open...

aws mqtt broker

Enhancing Scalability with AWS MQTT Broker Integration

by Ponlakshmi

MQTT broker is always known for its extendability and scalability. And now we want to make this fully functional MQTT Broker completely available and easily accessible for all users. Hence we are launching the FREE version of MQTT Broker

digitization benefits

7 Key Benefits behind Digital Transformation

by Saravana Kumar

“Produce More with Less Resources”, is the key of all the Industrial revolutions over the centuries. The current revolution is expected to provide a leap forward in terms of efficiency. Live tracking of performance, WIP, Production Control with the reduction of...


Enterprise High Availability MQTT Cluster for large scale deployments

by Hema

Connecting and collecting data from thousands and millions of devices in a M2M environment will always be the biggest challenge for enterprises. As the number is huge, a single MQTT Broker

Capacity utilization

Capacity Utilization in Manufacturing Industries

by Saravana Kumar

The combined effect of productivity growth and underutilized resources is often referred to as the output gap. The output gap represents the difference between the actual level of output and the potential level of output that can be achieved with the available resources.

Azure MQTT Broker for enhanced connectivity

Setting up Azure MQTT Broker for enhanced connectivity

by Ponlakshmi

In the era of Internet of Things (IoT), where mobility and remote device management are crucial, hosting a secure MQTT broker on the cloud becomes imperative. However, concerns about application and data security often deter individuals

IoT implementaion on Azure

MQTT Route 4.0 - Enhanced Reliability, Extended Availability & much more

by Ponlakshmi

The necessity for IoT technology continues to grow in daily life and its implementation takes place in almost every sectors and domains. Such technology relies heavily on MQTT Broker for the effective M2M communication.....

IoT implementaion on Azure

Enterprise IoT Implementation on Azure - MQTT Load Balancing

by Ponlakshmi

The most essential criteria that should be looked at when considering an enterprise IoT deployment is scalability. When there is huge traffic with very large amount of data, the scalability becomes a question? To overcome this, MQTT Broker cluster with robust and...

Google protocol buffers

Introducing Google's Protocol buffers in Bevywise IoT Simulator

by Hema

The first release update of the year is here..we have something new for our IoT simulator customers..We could see a considerable interest among people in using protocol buffers. This simple language-neutral has a well-justified reputation amongst all programming...


Metaverse + IoT Data + 5G : What the future holds?

by Ponlakshmi

At every phase of time, one modern technology joins the realm of technology. As a result, that modern tech inhibits a few other technologies while simultaneously growing alongside this new technology. It is similar to the Metaverse, IoT technology and 5G. Metaverse :...

Celebrating christmas

The impetus behind celebrating Christmas on August 25

by Ponlakshmi

What makes us celebrate Christmas on August 25? Can you all imagine celebrating Christmas in the month of August? It looks mystical, right? However, we, the members of Bevywise Networks celebrate Christmas festival on 25th of August. Our tables are adorned with stars...

Broker on cloud

The Real Success of MQTT Broker on Cloud

by Hema

The journey of Bevywise is not just about attaining our Mission & Vision and it always looks after the success of customers who join us in our journey. That is "Profit of Bevywise always lies in customer's success". Also, Bevywise has a major part in the...

Celebrating 50 customers

Celebrating 50 Customers & 5B+ Events

by Ponlakshmi

Today I am happy to share that we have clocked our 50th Business customer @ Bevywise Networks. It was indeed a great journey bootstrapping with a great team that has taken us where we are today. The Early Days We started building the products over MQTT. Our initial...

MQTT over websockets

MQTT Over Websockets: The Ultimate guide to MQTT's Unique Feature

by Ponlakshmi

Did you know that MQTT over WebSockets allows you to use all of MQTT's features in your browser? As a result of the recent development of the Web front-end in recent decades, new browser features have appeared on a regular basis, enabling the implementation of a...

MQTT Keep alive

How vital is MQTT Keep Alive & Client Takeover?

by Ponlakshmi

Do you know what Keep Alive in MQTT is and what it does? We'll learn about MQTT's Keep Alive implementation and why it's essential in this blog. The keep alive feature, as its name suggests, is used to keep a network connection alive. This term isn't just used in...

MQTT Retained messages

MQTT Retained Messages: What you need to know

by Ponlakshmi

When a publisher publishes a message to a subject to which no one has subscribed, the message is simply discarded by the broker. By setting the retained message flag, the publisher can inform the broker to keep the last message on that topic. This feature allows you ...

Scalable iot application

Developing Scalable IoT Application with MQTT Broker

by Ponlakshmi

Do you want to quickly and easily create an IoT implementation that meets your requirements? This is the right blog for you. Let's see what would be the best choice to develop an IoT application easily. Building an IoT application comes with several challenges, which...

MQTT fundamentals

Persistent Sessions and Message Queuing - MQTT Fundamentals

by Ponlakshmi

Did you know that after a client disconnects, the MQTT broker can store new messages for that client? The messages will be sent as rapidly as the client reconnects. MQTT Persistent sessions & message queuing is the name for this feature in MQTT. In this post, I'll...

MQTT Topics

Getting to know MQTT Topics & its Basics

by Ponlakshmi

MQTT messages aren't sent directly from one thing to another. Rather, they are assigned to "MQTT topics." The MQTT broker then distributes the messages to any clients who have subscribed to them. The term topic in protocol refers to a UTF-8 string used by the broker...

On premise vs cloud broker

On premise vs Cloud MQTT Broker - Which is best for your IoT implementation?

by Ponlakshmi

Key thoughts for choosing Cloud or On-premise MQTT Broker Choosing between cloud MQTT Broker and on-premise MQTT Broker is a major decision that should be taken carefully and deliberately. This blog is for you if you are about to make this decision but are concerned...

wip limits

Do you set limits to your WIP & why is it important?

by Saravana Kumar

WIP (work-in-progress) is a term which refers to the partially finished goods that is still in the production flow and are yet to hit the state of being customer ready. WIP holds labour costs, raw material costs and overhead manufacturing costs that are invested in...

IoT application in a day

Build your IOT Application in a Day

by Hema

IoT Application development is required today at all levels. People with very low coding knowledge needs to build what is needed for them. MQTT broker helps customers to embed their ML & AI algorithms and create their own application. MQTT broker helps you host and...

Completely managed broker

Completely Managed Hosted MQTT Broker with Mobile Application

by Hema

Hurrah! CrystalMQ, the new renovated Hosted MQTT Broker is here at last! And Yes, we have fine-tuned our hosted MQTT Broker to bring the highest level of performance and effectiveness than before. Bevywise MQTT Broker always proves its ability to fit IoT...

advanced reports

Customizable Advanced Reports for your WIP Manager 1.0

by Ponlakshmi

It has been just less than a month, since we released our initial version of fully digitized WIP Manager. And now, we are back with the super cool update on it. Can you guess?? YES!! WIP Manager is now ungraded to generate work-in-progress reports (WIP reports). Also,...!

digitized wip manager

Announcing fully digitized WIP Manager for WIP Tracking

by Saravana Kumar

A decade ago, I was working in a garment factory where every data is manually entered using paper sheets. There is no proper track of data especially the materials in, out and WIP and there is a high risk and possibility of manipulating the original data. Even today I...

Industry 4.0 solution

How we built our Industry 4.0 solution over IoT Platform

by Hema

This application development story is about how we were able to build our Industry 4.0 solution, MES software over the Bevywise IoT platform. The recent trend of Industry 4.0 is the attainment of digital transformation on the factory floor enabling real-time decision...

Route 3.3

MQTTRoute 3.3 released - Control Devices on your Android Phone

by Hema

We dwell in a fast moving environment where speed is crucial in every little thing we implement. This makes us set our heart on any technology which bring us aid to speed on whatever we do. That's where mobile apps come in which enables people to control & manage...

Multi language support

Bevywise IoT Platform Enhanced with Multi-Language Support

by Hema

We at Bevywise have been working hard to ensure & make processes & application more efficient and to make things easier for the people involved. In that case we have added Multi-Language support to the Bevywise IoT Platform which enables people to present...

productivity charts

Top 5 charts for Manufacturing Productivity Tracking with MES

by Saravana Kumar

Modern Manufacturing demands proper planning, control & optimization of the production process. Though a successful manufacturing needs skilled labor, customized/expensive material inputs and rely on process flexibility, tighter control, it needs a powerful MES...

Testing HiveMQ

Testing HiveMQ & EMQX Implementation with Bevywise IOT Simulator

by Hema

Bevywise IoT simulator is a comprehensive simulating tool to develop, test & demo real time IoT applications and IoT devices in a quick and easy way. It is a simple & powerful tool with all the flexibility to develop & test MQTT Broker / application...

IoT application

Why is Integrated IOT Application the way to go ?

by Hema

Integrated IoT Application Business today has a lot to be managed better. Everything in an organization is related. The power and other utilities consumption, employee availability and productivity, manufacturing process management and its utilization, predictive... which...

OpenHAB integration

MQTTRoute integration with openHAB

by Hema

Home automation has gained a lot of popularity nowadays as it enables people to live a smart life. With MQTT broker integrated into the home automation platform you can easily develop your own home automation system. OpenHAB is one such open source platform you can...

Route integration

MQTTRoute Integration with Home Assistant

by Hema

The technological world is moving faster with its most popular innovations and home automation is one such innovation which everyone loved or liked to have. Home automation systems enable us to automate our smart home devices present at home. With MQTT broker...

MQTT Server

MQTT Server - Connect your IOT Devices now

by Ponlakshmi

MQTT server is the hosted version of the IoT Platform. MQTT broker, which is a simple application, helps you build an IoT Application that can run on a single machine. IoT Platform is a micro services based application that can be scaled vertically and horizontally to...

MQTT protocol packet format

Understanding MQTT Protocol Packet Format

by Ponlakshmi

MQTT protocol communicates by exchanging a series of predefined MQTT control packets. The MQTT packets consist of up to three parts in the following order as a 2-byte fixed header that appears in all MQTT packets, Variable Headers, and Payload that appear in some MQTT...

MQTTRoute 3.2

MQTTRoute 3.2 released - What's New?

by Hema

We are more excited to announce the availability of new MQTT Broker version, MQTTRoute 3.2. The latest version comes up with new exciting features & huge performance improvements to enhance the user experience. This release will surely provide you a good...

MQTTRoute 3.1

MQTTRoute 3.1 - Custom Secure MQTT Authentication Released

by Hema

We are more excited to announce the fresh new update of MQTT Broker, MQTTRoute 3.1. The new version of MQTT Broker adds additional & custom security options / security extensions for secured communication & data transfer over MQTT connection. Security is an...

manufacturing tools

7 Essential Software Tools for Manufacturing

by Saravana Kumar

Everything is done manually before the arrival of software tools. The perspective about doing it manually, may differ from one person to another person. However, the manual process will be extremely time-consuming and it usually entails more employees being involved...

improve productivity

Six ways you can Improve Productivity in Manufacturing

by Saravana Kumar

Productivity is an ultimate goal of the manufacturing industry. Especially, high production on a short span of time without any bad quality is a big dream of an Industry. However, to achieve this, the manufacturing industry should think of some key factors...

Platform comparison

IoT Platform Comparison - Bevywise vs IBM vs AWS vs Azure

by Hema

The need for IoT (Internet of Things) in the market is progressing at a speedy rate. The main objective behind this rapid growth is an immense claim for IoT platforms, IoT devices and other components. However, if you start building your own IoT framework, you will...

top technologies

Top 5 Technologies manufacturing should adopt before 2025

by Saravana Kumar

Adopting new technology is a growing symptom of all Industry and similarly manufacturing Industry is not an exception. Industrial revolutions have made many improvements in manufacturing and service systems. Because of remarkable and rapid changes appeared in...

Broker Comparison

MQTT Broker Comparison - MQTTRoute vs Mosquitto

by Hema

MQTT is one of the most widely adopted protocols today in the IoT Arena. There are a lot of MQTT Brokers available for your solution implementation. Choosing the right one that fits your criteria makes your project more than 50% complete. Developers should evaluate...


Digital Transformation for Manufacturing - Challenges & Solutions

by Saravana Kumar

Manufacturing Industry has a major key role in the economic growth and development of countries. Historically, it has been the heart of all developed and developing nations. Also, the economic growth of the country relies only on the increase in productivity growth....

Best MQTT Broker

Best MQTT Broker for IoT / IIoT Application Development

by Hema

The number of devices getting connected to the internet day over day is increasing astoundingly. Forbes estimate, by 2020, more than 34 billion devices will be online. MQTT is getting a huge adoption across industry and personal connectivity. Hence, this mandates a...

MQTTRoute 3.0

All New MQTT Broker, the MQTTRoute 3.0 is out now!!

by Hema

After months of preparations and development we take enormous pleasure on announcing the availability of updated version of Bevywise MQTT Broker, MQTTRoute 3.0. Sounds great right!! The benefits & excellence, the new version is going to provide for the budding...

Smart home security system

The eFon Technology's Smart Home security system trusts Bevywise MQTT Solution

by Hema

The eFon Technology is one of the notable firms in Taiwan which provides home security solution for their customers. For years, eFon technology keeps the security of their customers as top priority. Today, they benefits several people throughout the region of

REST API integration

MQTT Broker integration using REST API

by Hema

In today's world, the enterprise application system is incomplete without providing a way to integrate with other systems. Ergo, MQTT Broker integration with your application is very crucial for any process / production management application in Industrial and...

manufacturing reports

Manufacturing Reports : Why are interactive visuals important?

by Saravana Kumar

Data is everywhere in the modern-day world. Collection of data has become easier because of the increasing number of platforms to record it. However, gaining necessary insights and creating business decisions off of data which are exhibited in tables/spreadsheets is..

Power plant monitoring

MQTT Implementation on Celikler Holding's Power Plant Monitoring

by Hema

Celikler Holding is one of the largest industrial companies from Turkey that operates on the large sectors such as Energy, Construction, Commitment and Tourism. Celikler Holding, has gained more attention as a player in the country's energy sector. They are notable...

Transform reports

Transforming Boring Reports with Data Visualization : Why it matters?

by Saravana Kumar

Reports have a huge impact on any business, or industry. Reports communicate information & explore a series of trends that any part of the business / industry has caused or accelerated. The goal of reporting is to convey / dispatch a specific data with an...

Production monitoring solution

Bevywise IoT Application - Production Monitoring Solution using MQTT

by Hema

In today's global economy, manufacturing industries cannot gamble becoming ineffective and incompetent. The production reality in today's increasingly competitive world claims competence and quality with endless and bettered processes. It is carping to reduce the...

SCADA integration

Use SCADA Integration to Connect New Age MQTT Devices

by Hema

The strength of technology in building, monitoring & controlling the machinery has become an imperishable part of the Industrial world and Industries have long adapted it. Compiling data & receiving commands in and out of the shop floor, around megalopolis and...

Data security

Fight Industrial Data Security Breaks with Secure Enterprise MQTT Broker

by Ponlakshmi

We all know that our world is more connected. Billions of intelligent tools and machines are generating enormous amounts of data, which creates enormous potential for businesses and other organizations to optimize their operations and achieve efficiency. As IoT...

predictive maintenance

Unlock the True Potential of Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing

by Saravana Kumar

Manufacturing Industry is the fast growing industry which is expected to continue to grow in the next few years. However, there are some complex internal challenges every manufacturing industry is facing today. One such challenge which has a great impact in the...

Fleet management

Build a Fleet Management System with Ease

by Ponlakshmi

IoT technology is used to make the transportation and logistics industry increasingly effective and solid. Fleet management systems play an important role in the transportation system. Here we have depicted the Bevywise MQTT broker which gives the technology required to...

manufacturing trends

5 Trends that Dominate Manufacturing Industry Today

by Saravana Kumar

“The only thing that never changes is change itself ― D.B Coulson”. Every day something new in technology is rising and it is replacing something good with the best. Likewise, digital perspective is changing the manufacturing industry. As industrial revolution has an...

Raspberry pi configuration

Configuring end-to-end IoT environment on Raspberry Pi

by Ponlakshmi

Over the past few years, MQTT has begun to establish itself as the most commonly used messaging protocol for IoT projects. This document provides developers with a complete guide on how to set up and run an MQTT Broker on Raspberry Pi in just a few minutes. You will...

Dedicated server

Ready to take off from a shared server to a dedicated one?

by Hema

IoT is already getting implemented in most industries especially making a large impact on manufacturing, healthcare, retail to solve the sticky, true world complications. But the voyage to build / integrate the powerful IoT / IIoT applications is almost always equally..

IoT dashboard

Announcing IoT Dashboard for AWS IoT

by Hema

We live in an inherently visual world, where pictures speak louder than words. Also, our attention is more readily attracted towards visuals rather than a series of numbers or groups of words. Hence, visualization is much more important especially when it comes to big...

IoT security

IOT Security - Device Identity Management, SSL/TLS & More

by Hema

Every second, around 127 devices are getting connected to the Internet increasing the need for the IoT security at the next level. The growth of the devices connections is expected to reach 47 billion by 2027. We anticipate a merging of corporate networks into the...

industry 4.0 tips

Killer Tips & Tricks to win the Industry 4.0 Race

by Saravana Kumar

Industry 4.0 is gaining momentum all over the industrial world. With the endless possibilities of innovation & technology, every production manufacturers are keen in adopting automation to succeed the race. However, most of them are giving consideration to the...

Simulator 2.2

IoT Simulator 2.2 Release

by Hema

Simulating various scenarios is essential for testing & developing real-time devices & managers. We believe that event configuration should be much easier & simple so that we can spend more time on validation & analysing the final data. We at Bevywise...

IoT for education

Bevywise IoT for Education

by Hema

“IoT is the future connectivity, Are we enabling the classrooms of today to embrace and adapt with the technology!”. Industries of today like manufacturing, logistics and more have adapted the IOT technology transformation to build custom implementation and powerful...


Announcing Hosted MQTT Broker - CrystalMQ

by Hema

“The world of reality has its limits,the world of imagination is limitless.” -Jean-Jacques Rousseau Planning to build an IOT Application that collects data from your cutting edge devices to analyze, process and interpret. Hence, IOT is a complete solution provider for...


IoT Success Stories - Cattle Management - Dwmzone

by Hema

“If your animals aren't healthy, you cannot make money,” says Dr Jan du Preez, veterinarian. Diseases are prone to affect healthy animals and can cause hundreds of millions of dollar damage to the cattle Industry. Early diagnosis of the deadly diseases will...

Home automation benefits

Top 10 Benefits of Automating your Home

by Hema

The word "smart" which all of us expect in our day-to day life either in the form mobile phones, watches etc. Because these are the powerful tools that make our life much easier. Every advancement in technology enhances their impressive capabilities that we can...

FAB Controls

IoT Success Stories - MQTT Broker - FAB Controls

by Hema

Monitoring or measuring serves to be an effective step to move towards proactive decisions. Because, monitoring is necessary to be attentive to any anomaly, no matter how small, to keep close watch on components. Besides that, you will be able to act in consequence of...

Develop virtual network

Developing IoT virtual network using IoT simulator

by Hema

Every IoT project needs testing. IoT simulator eases the life of developers and testers by providing complete functional and load testing. IoT device simulation helps you simulate various scenarios needed for developing, testing and demonstrating real-time devices...

Broker 2.0

MQTT Broker 2.0 Released - Things you need to know

by Hema

Industry 4.0 is the talk of the town since it was first announced. It has become the top priority of current industrial development, which drives industries towards better productivity to remain in competition. Developing IoT / IIoT application should 100% cover the...

Transforming Broker

Transforming MQTT Broker into IoT Application Framework

by Hema

Eat your own dog food is one of the most heard words from Sridhar Vembu when I was working for Zoho. This is a practice done while we were creating Zoho Writer and Zoho document management system and is practiced today as well. It is nothing but using the software...

oee calculation

OEE Calculation for Manufacturing Process

by Saravana Kumar

In manufacturing, enhancement of production is an endless undertaking. In any case, a commendable one. A single improvement at a production line system can mean tens or a huge number of dollars in income. Furthermore, its during streamlining when you may go over the...

measuring productivity

Are you measuring your manufacturing productivity right?

by Saravana Kumar

Why Manufacturers need to know about right OEE measurement? OEE is regarded as a best-practices metric, and it has been integrated in the manufacturing industry. It has grown more familiar among production managers since it highlights the crucial regions in...

Voice control

Voice Control Devices using Alexa & Googlehome

by Hema

Human race has been tied to actions by touch for a prolonged period. Touch is something bound to the extend to which you can stretch your arms and body. Sound and Vision goes a long way beyond horizons. The advent of image processing techniques largely influenced the...

Enhanced platform

IoT Platform Enhanced - User Security & Permissions

by Ponlakshmi

Bevywise IoT Platform is a versatile, highly extendable Server Implementation that help Solution providers scale up fast. With the Edge client, Mobile SDK , REST API & all, it helps get your service running in a few weeks. The IoT Platform caters to Industrial and...

Simulator 2.0

IoT Simulator 2.0 Release

by Ponlakshmi

Security is one of the major concerns of the IoT Manager applications. Keeping this in mind, we built the manager applications with different level of security. IoT Network Simulator is enhanced to support all manager applications based on their security practices....

Industrial gateway

Industrial IoT Gateway - Early Access

by Ponlakshmi

We are happy to announce a preview release of the Industrial IoT Gateway. This version collects data from the industrial machines / equipment that supports Modbus protocol for interfacing. In addition, We designed gateway in such a way to pull data out of the...

Google pubsub integration

MQTT Broker Google Pubsub Integration

by Ponlakshmi

Google Pubsub is one of the leading Queue engine used to collect data from the publisher or MQTT Application for better data analytics. Integration of Bevywise MQTT Broker with Google Pubsub helps you push data from your IoT & IIoT edge devices via MQTT Broker to...

Modbus data integration

Modbus IoT Data integration with MQTT Broker

by Ponlakshmi

Industrial automation is not new. But it is time to create a better modbus iot integration for a deeper understanding of your data and also manage your devices in a efficient way. In the Industry 3.0, devices are managed in an isolated fashion. From late 1960s to...

Sparkplug B

Sparkplug B MQTT Simulation

by Ponlakshmi

Sparkplug provides an open and freely available specification for how Edge of Network (EoN) gateways or native MQTT enabled end devices and MQTT Applications communicate bi-directionally within an MQTT Infrastructure. One of the unique aspects of MQTT protocol is that...

Manage devices better

MQTT Broker - Manage devices better

by Ponlakshmi

Today we are happy to announce an enhanced version of the MQTT Broker.The newly updated version will help you identify MQTT connection error, Manage devices better & also provides Dynamic MQTT Authentication. MQTT Broker manage devices better You will be able to...

Broker in Alibaba cloud

MQTT Broker in Alibaba Cloud - Secure hosting

by Ponlakshmi

Alibaba is the most used cloud hosting provider in China. This article provides a step by step procedure to set up the MQTT Broker in Alibaba cloud. Bevywise MQTT Broker just needed a Ubuntu instance to host the broker. Setting up the Alibaba Cloud for MQTT Broker:...

Localize broker

Localize MQTT Broker to your language

by Ponlakshmi

We have been working hard to ensure that you can be able to localize MQTT Broker into your language and work with ease. MQTT Broker, the enterprise MQTT broker has been enhanced with a few more most useful set of features to play with. Dynamic Update of User...

Tableau integration

MQTT Broker Tableau Integration for IoT Data Analysis

by Ponlakshmi

MQTT Broker is a perfect middleware and fastest broker to be used for collecting data from your IoT edge devices and store and analyse it the way you needed. Tableau is a cool BI tool that will help you analyse the data in all dimensions. MQTT Broker Tableau...

Cloud platform benefits

5 Top Benefits - Buy an IoT Cloud Platform

by Ponlakshmi

Business today needs to work on multiple verticals to roll out out great IoT Product and a great overall customer experience. IoT Cloud Platform is one of the core component of the Implementation. Business trying to build everything in house faces a lot of challenge....

Docker MQTT Broker

Docker MQTT Broker for easy service manageability

by Ponlakshmi

Docker is one of the leading container applications that is used most widely for running a well managed deployment environment. Docker MQTT Broker will help you have more control over your IoT production environment. Most than 60% of the servers are using either...

Platform over MQTT Broker

5 reasons to choose an IoT Platform over MQTT Broker

by Ponlakshmi

IoT and Industry 4.0 together pave the way for smart industrial developments and every industry needs a dedicated & personalized IoT/Industry 4.0 implementation. Even within a specific industry in medium and large enterprises, there are cases where the processes...

MQTT simulator 1.5

MQTT Simulator 1.5 - Everything you need to know

by Ponlakshmi

We are happy to announce new updated MQTT Simulator which help you simulate more complex nested MQTT JSON data simulation. Here is the list of additional values the simulator can provide to your test environment. Complex MQTT Data Simulation Most devices today send...


MQTT vs REST from IoT Implementation perspective

by Ponlakshmi

Most of the IoT Implementations today uses REST over HTTP based connectivity from the client to the Server. REST has its own limitation that pops in while your solution scales up to the larger number of devices and more number of translations per second. MQTT, the...

IoT implementation series

IoT Implementation Series - Design the Data

by Ponlakshmi

As part of the IoT Implementation series, this topic covers the best practices in designing the data communication between the edge device and the Central Platform. IoT Device to Cloud response Humans always expects a response for every action. The response can be...

Python integration

Python MQTT Broker integration with any Application

by Ponlakshmi

MQTT Broker is the central server that manages all the communication between the edge devices, collect data from them and ensures the Quality of Service in message delivery. At the same time the MQTT Broker helps analyse the MQTT messages received from the edge...

Designing the edge

IoT & IIoT Implementation Series - Designing the Edge

by Ponlakshmi

Edge device is one of the core component of the overall IoT & IIoT implementation. Edge devices is the key source of data for the IIoT Implementation. The first important thing you have to keep in mind is nothing is reliable. The nothing mainly constitutes the....

IoT device manager

IOT Device Manager - Security & Device Management Update

by Ponlakshmi

We have enhanced, IOT Device Manager application with more security and Device management functionality. This update is supported in the On-demand version and the self hosted platform. Instant Command: Most IOT Devices that connect to the IOT Device Manager will...

MQTT Broker plugin

Introducing ready to use MQTT Broker Plugin

by Ponlakshmi

A few weeks back we rolled out an update that provides an option to store MQTT Payload into ElasticSearch. In addition, this update also had options to enable customization to send data received from the different edge devices to various storage engines or your own...

Visualize data with elasticsearch

Visualize IOT Data with Elasticsearch

by Ponlakshmi

All data collected from the edge devices should be analysed to drive proper decisions. A good tool to visualize IOT Data will help users drive better decisions. Each business want to visualize iot data with their own or comfortable tools as for their convenience. A...

Introducing templates

Introducing Templates & faster IOT Simulation

by Ponlakshmi

Today we are happy to introduce iot templates & bulk device creation in IOT Simulator. We believe that the real effort of any validation process. You have to spend the efforts on the validating and analysing the result data and not on setting up the environment. ...

Set triggers by time

Rule engine - set triggers by time

by Ponlakshmi

Rule engine of the MQTT Broker helps you analyse the data and create actions and send appropriate messages to another device based on the received data. But in addition, most of the work human do from dawn to dusk are time driven. So the things on the internet needs...

Simulate dynamic messages

Simulate dynamic messages - MQTT

by Ponlakshmi

We are happy to share the recent update of the IOT Simulator which can resemble a real device and simulate dynamic messages on every message with two types of message format - TEXT & JSON. Simulate dynamic messages The IoT Simulator supports four types of dynamic...

Secure MQTT Broker hosting

Secure MQTT Broker hosting on AWS

by Ponlakshmi

Internet of things is all about mobility and managing your devices and sensors from anywhere in the world. Hosting a secure MQTT Broker on the cloud is a mandate to achieve this. But people are very much paranoid about the security of the application and the data....

Create IoT Device

How to create simulated IoT Device?

by Ponlakshmi

Bevywise IoT Simulator is a Free, highly scalable IoT Device Simulation suite that helps you simulate various scenarios needed for developing , testing and demonstrating realtime devices and managers. You can create a simulated IoT device simply from the user....

IoT Gateway

Bevywise IoT Gateway - Security, Bridging & more

by Ponlakshmi

The IoT Gateway that comes inbuilt inside the MQTT Broker is enhanced to be secure and inter operable with other platforms. Secure your devices: IoT mandates central platform to connect every device and sensors for sending and receiving messages. Besides that The IoT...

How IoT can save money

How IOT can Save Money?

by Ponlakshmi

Cutting cost is one of the major goal for any production line. This blog gives a heads up on how can IOT save money for you. Human race is running very fast to beat the time. In this race, we often fix problems at surface level and did not go into root cause of the...

Benefits of MQTT SN

Benefits of MQTT-SN over MQTT

by Ponlakshmi

MQTT SN is exclusively designed for sensor networks and the specification for the same (MQTT SN specification) is available at MQTT.org. MQTT protocol & MQTT SN (MQTT for sensor networks) are both IoT Protocol used most widely for developing IoT devices. This blog...

MQTT Gateway

MQTT Gateway to connect IOT Sensors

by Ponlakshmi

MQTT Gateway is one of the core component in the IOT connectivity. And also MQTT Broker can now talk to your IoT Sensors via the MQTT Gateway. Auto Discovery of IoT Devices The Gateway can do an auto discovery of the Sensors available in the network. The discovered...

Announcing IoT Platform

Announcing Bevywise IoT Platform

by Hema

Bevywise IoT Platform to Connect & Monitor IoT Devices We at Bevywise Networks are happy to announce the IoT Platform which can provide an end to end solution. We built the platform using micro services architecture. Besides that You can scale the Platform to...

Generating SSL certificates

Generating SSL Certificates for Secure MQTT communication

by Ponlakshmi

SSL Certificates plays a major role in enabling the security. Hence, MQTT Broker provides an option to enable SSL / TLS mode of encrypted data transfer for enhanced MQTT Security or secure MQTT Communication. Works with all standard SSL/TLS Certificate or run with...


Effective use of MQTT Last WILL Messages

by Ponlakshmi

Every IoT network is a collaborative working of edge devices. All devices should work in unison to make the environment conducive for the humans. This article helps you make the best use of the MQTT Last WILL Messages. Last Will is a way of peer to peer monitoring...

MQTT QoS level

MQTT QoS level - What to use & When

by Ponlakshmi

What is Quality of Service (QoS)? MQTT protocol for IoT defines three Quality of Service (QoS) levels for message delivery. The MQTT Quality of Service level is used when a client sends a subscribe request to a particular topic. When a client subscribes to multiple...

Introducing rule engine

Introducing Rule Engine - The first Step to AI

by Ponlakshmi

There are going to be a lot of vendors developing edge devices for the Internet of Things. It is not feasible for the edge device vendors to build all the intelligence required to interoperate in a multi vendor environment. We believe the edge device vendors should...

Developing IoT Agents

Best Practices for developing IoT Agents

by Ponlakshmi

Every smart device being built today has the software that reads data and communicate with the other devices to create a completely smart environment. It is very important to have a robust and reliable agent for a smart environment. Few best practices to develop...

IoT facility management

IoT Facility management simulation

by Ponlakshmi

Today IOT facility management is one of the emerging trends in the current facility management. But Every running system needs to be upgraded to an IOT enabled one to make sure the productivity is improved drastically. However Upgrading a system without disturbing...

IoT Simulator - windows

Bevywise IoT Simulator - Windows Support , Simulator API & More..

by Hema

We have been working hard to make the simulation tools more comfortable for the testers and development professionals. Hence, we enhanced Windows MQTT Simulator to help you simulate MQTT Devices to develop , test & demo real world MQTT Brokers and MQTT Devices....

Windows MQTT Broker - support for windows 10, 8 & 7

Windows MQTT Broker - support for windows 10, 8 & 7

by Ponlakshmi

Today we are happy to announce the availability of MQTT Broker for Windows. A few weeks back we released the MQTT Broker to support Linux and Mac. Windows MQTT Broker is the central server for the the MQTT communication that happens in the Internet of things. We...

Embracing IoT will drive Perfection

Embracing IoT will drive Perfection

by Ponlakshmi

IoT will connect the disconnected system removing manual errors to drive perfection. Sensors will rule the world. Yes Sensors are getting added fast to every device we use today. There is a lot of positiveness to it and one of the most important factor is the...

5 reasons why we choose mqtt

5 reasons "Why we choose MQTT"

by Ponlakshmi

IoT network finds application in day-to-day essentials from Home appliances, Public safety, Farming and Hospitals to high precision jobs including Smart cities, Automobiles, Industrial Automations and Satellite tracking. After analysing the available protocols, we...


Bevywise IoT Simulator Beta is Ready

by Hema

We are happy to announce that the FREE beta version of the Bevywise IoT Simulator to simulate the IoT Devices with MQTT Protocol is ready for download. The simulator is simple and easy to use. Here are the few features which will help you get the best out of the beta...


Starting Bevywise Networks - An IoT Company

by Hema

How many of us are happy to do a boring mundane Job again and again ? No one is ready for it today and every one of us want to get everything done in few seconds. We just want to do the must do tasks. Not today, if you take the whole of the human history, it is true....