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Best MQTT Broker for IoT / IIoT Application Development

by Hema

best mqtt broker

The number of devices getting connected to the internet day over day is increasing astoundingly. Forbes estimate, by 2020, more than 34 billion devices will be online. MQTT is getting a huge adoption across industry and personal connectivity. Hence, this mandates a need for a more powerful and highly extendable and best MQTT Broker for managing your devices. Bevywise MQTT Broker is a lightweight middleware that can help you work on your core business challenge and leave the data collection to the tool. Here we have listed some important criteria which makes Bevywise MQTT Broker standalone to be the best in the market.

Perfectly compliance with MQTT

Every MQTT Solution should support MQTT specification managed by OASIS MQTT Technical Committee. It should be cent percent compliance with the MQTT standard specification. For more information, you can glean from the MQTT.org site.

Bevywise MQTT Broker in that case, is built according to the MQTT 3.1 and MQTT 3.1.1 version specifications. It connects any device and system reliably and securely via the standard MQTT messaging protocol. Beyond this MQTT 5 is also available. Initially it is available in hosted MQTT Broker version.

Faster Throughput MQTT Broker

Fast and reliable message delivery / M2M connectivity is important for all IoT Applications.

Hence, we cautiously built the broker to get the best of both worlds. Therefore, we built the core engine on C and can give you the fastest throughput. The broker can read at a rate of 3 MB per second. For example, a typical deployment where devices send 50 bytes of data, the broker can handle 55,000 to 60,000 messages per second.

Data Analytics Integration

Enterprise / OEMs use a large number sensor to monitor and analyze their devices & product performance. One size doesn’t fit all. This is true for every enterprise & OEMs going to implement IoT. As IoT is a diversified implementation, we allow users to store data into any of their engines as needed. You can process the data by them before they send it to the storage. Some of the custom store implementation done by our customers.

You can use the custom store for the integration of the data received with any application. One of our customers has integrated the Broker with the softlab24 using the customer store. In addition, the new additional hooks will help you flexibly integrate your IoT data into any of the analytics for perfect visualization and data analysis.

We can provide a more customized integration of the MQTT Broker. We would be happy to add your integration story here. Let us talk

Monitor & Create Custom Alarms

To Err is Human is the ultimate reason, why human invented machines. On the other hand, a continuous process industry, health care, logistics, National security and other mission-critical operations needs 24 X 7 monitoring. We built MQTT broker with a Rule engine which helps administrators create event based rules for the sensor data. With this, admins can easily create an alert message and send the message to a specific subscriber or web application. This help users from wasting human power and money.

MQTT Communication Security

With rapid increase of IoT device connection to internet, many IoT bots or malicious data will crash the device and steal or know your data from via crashed device. Bevywise MQTT Broker has the most powerful and flexible security options. Enable TLS / SSL communication between your edge device & the MQTT Broker for a secure data flow. You can also create individual and highly secure authentication keys for each of your devices and make sure no one can intrude into the system. A custom auth plugin is available to integrate IAM (Identity Access Management) & SSO (Single sign on) for central management and control login access of users.

Best MQTT Broker Dashboard

IoT application needs a 360 overview of device status and the real time data monitoring for decision-making and analysis. An overall summary dashboard gives the complete real-time overview and general status of the system.

Hence, MQTT broker is much more than a middleware. It provides an option to view the list of devices connected right now and dig deeper into each device by messages, subscriptions, etc. You can use the User interface to send a device management command to any of the devices. Administrators will be able to add Authentication keys from the User Interface dynamically without restarting a Broker. Users can easily change the broker to their language via localization support. The MQTT Broker UI is also built with a dynamic update of the data from the server without a refresh for better monitoring of devices. Choosing the best MQTT Broker will mostly rely on the customizable dashboards which is the key for application output. Hence, Bevywise MQTT Broker provides option to customize UI with python hooks to integrate widgets based on Industrial / Business needs. You will be able to design your own UI to make it flexible for your industry.

With the latest update, we have added the support of creating multiple dashboard along with some built-in widgets from user interface itself.

High availability support

MQTT Broker should not fail as it is a necessary part of any IoT Application’s messaging framework. Failures can occur due to poor network connectivity, software and hardware component failures & more. Hence, Messaging services should be functionally available to ensure that they are up and running always. That’s why High availability MQTT Cluster is crucial for any IoT deployments.

Bevywise MQTT Broker is one such middleware which has cluster capability with High Availability server that will not fail and ensure that they are highly available.

Read this article to set up high availability MQTT Cluster with the MQTT Broker.

REST API Integration

In spite of MQTT being a powerful Communication protocol, we should not use them for building manager application integration. Refer to the best practices why MQTT is not the right choice for the manager application. MQTT Broker comes with a rich set of REST APIs which can be used for integration of your manager and also for building mobile applications over MQTT Broker.

Run anywhere

MQTT broker can run on Windows 7 & 10 Desktop and Windows Server 2012 & 2016, Ubuntu, Redhat and Raspberry Pi. You can run Broker on premise, private cloud and public cloud as needed. The server application can be run as a windows service or can be run using MMonit, docker / Kubernettes or using OS Service rules.

Faster Development Cycle

The framework has been added with multiple hooks, so that we will be able to build application much faster. You will be able to add your AI / ML code and also customize widgets as needed. In one of our hackathon event, we were able to build IoT Application in a day using MQTT Broker.

With the powerful key functionalities & hooks, MQTT broker can be the best choice as a MQTT Broker to build & manage your IoT Applications.

A recent deeper analysis of MQTT Brokers in the market by University of Szeged, unveiled that Bevywise MQTT broker stands second along with Mosquitto on the message processing performance. MQTT broker defeats all prime MQTT Brokers such as HiveMQ, ActiveMQ with its message processing capabilities and better latency. Check out the comparative study now!

I believe this article will help you choose the best MQTT Broker. MQTT Broker App is now available with the new MQTT Broker version 3.3. You can control & manage MQTT devices using android with mobile app.

Feel free to contact support for a free consultation.

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