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Localize MQTT Broker to your language

by Ponlakshmi

localize mqtt broker

We have been working hard to ensure that you can be able to localize MQTT Broker into your language and work with ease. MQTT Broker, the enterprise MQTT broker has been enhanced with a few more most useful set of features to play with.

Dynamic Update of User Interface

You will be able to monitor the connected devices from the UI without refreshing it. All the events happening in the back end of the broker is sent to the Broker for dynamic updates. The update happens at the Dashboard level as well as the individual devices level. The connection/ disconnection status, Events published by device / commands received by the device, new device additions and subscriptions are all updated.

Localize MQTT Broker

We have added support for working with the MQTT Broker on your own language. We by default have added Chinese and working on a few more languages. You can add your language text to the Bevywise/MQTTRoute/web/build/js/localization.js file and translate the broker to your language.

Do keep us posted with the updated file, so that we can share it with your own language community.

Build Custom UI

The complete User Interface is presented to you using the BrokerUItab.html. You can design your own User Interface and replace this file. You can also update the brokerscript.js file present below folder to make it work in tandem with the Broker UI. The function function WebSocketPush() towards the end of the brokerscript.js is the method that pushes the data to the client for all the dynamic updates. You can add your code here to have the dynamic updates as well in the custom UI. You can use REST APIs to build device management for the devices.

Try the Online MQTT Broker

We have set up an live MQTT Dashboard for trying our MQTT Broker. We have setup the broker in the non ssl mode for the ease of connecting. The MQTT Broker you can download for trial will have both SSL and Non SSL support.

Broker Address – IP Address of the machine Broker Port – 1883

You can run the downloaded version on your private cloud or behind the firewall for security and more.

Try our MQTT Broker for FREE and experience seamless connectivity.

Feel free to write to us for support.