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IoT Security – Device Identity Management, SSL/TLS & More

by Hema

iot security

Every second, around 127 devices are getting connected to the Internet increasing the need for the IoT security at the next level. The growth of the devices connections is expected to reach 47 billion by 2027. We anticipate a merging of corporate networks into the public network for numerous IoT data collection. A compromised device on the field will completely topple the overall process. Large enterprise companies always have a deep eye into the security of the implementation. We thought of bringing these functions to the medium and the small enterprises. At Bevywise, we take IoT security very seriously. We have been supporting inbuilt authentication and authorization in the IoT Platform. We are adding the integration of the IoT Device IAM for the enterprise to leverage and have more control on their devices instantly. A detailed look at the current deployment options for Security.

Secure Data Communication Layer

Securing Data during transfer is one of the key IOT Security mandate. Transport layer security is integrated into the IoT Platform by default. You will be able to enable it with just a few configuration changes. You will be able to add SSL certificate from premium CA like Digicert, Symantec or FREE vendors like LetsEncrypt and application access their server via a secure layer. If you are running the IOT Platform in a close environment and do not want to over burden the system, you will be able to enable the Non SSL option as well.

Inbuilt Device Identity & Authorization

For IoT data security, it is mandatory that every device will be allowed to connect to the IoT Platform with only a valid authentication key and token. A single authentication token can be used for multiple devices or for a more secure connectivity, each token can be associated with a particular device on the Authentication key generation wizard. The tokens will also help in setting up the Read / Write privilege for the device. This will help in exercising more control on the data inward and outward.

IoT Security – SSO for web Interfaces

Web interfaces built for the IoT Dashboard is another open entry point for the hackers or data thieves. IoT Platform User management provides user hierarchy like Super Admin, Admin & Standard where a few users can write and few can only view data. To enhance the IoT security on the web interface entry, we have also enabled the SSO integration with your User identity management system. Single sign-on (SSO) is a session and user authentication service which permits a user to use one set of login credentials to access multiple applications. Enterprises and other organization can use SSO to mitigate the management of various usernames and passwords. Bevywise IoT Platform consists of pre-built custom hooks that helps you integrate the platform with SSO tool to enable user identity authentication. This permits users to use one set of login credentials to access multiple applications securely. That is, users can now sign-in to one application for a single time and is then automatically authenticated to other applications as well. The central Identity management will also be able to track the user access more easily.

Need for Centralized IoT Device Management

Before the Internet of things, it was mostly computers, routers, switches, mobile phones and tablets that were managed by enterprises on a large scale. There were only a limited special devices that were managed. With the IoT, everything you name or use in our daily lives is coming online. For an enterprise network security, every entry point needs to be monitored completely for connections, permissions and the data. If not properly monitored, it will become an entry point for the hackers.

Apart from Security, the recurring maintenance activities like provisioning, reprovisioning, update of firmware, asset tracking need to be integrated.

This mandates the need for connecting the IoT devices, sensors and all to the central identity management of the enterprise. It does not make sense to build another Identity management for the IoT. Keeping this in mind, we have added the necessary hooks into our IoT Platform and other tools to ensure that we can get the authentication of your Identity access management.

IoT Platform & IAM Integration

IoT Platform can be used by the solution provider to build applications for multiple customers and at the same time built large scale solutions for the enterprise. When we integrate the IAM into the tools, it is for a particular enterprise as a whole. The integrated IAM will overrule the inbuilt authentication and the authorization to ensure a smooth working with the enterprise system and its management.

You can play with the dashboard, widgets and IoT security features of the IoT Platform. Contact our team now to sign up to our IoT Platform at our trial set up.

For knowing the complete functionality of the IoT Platform and the Supervisor admin console, request a complete demo now.